Tanzania emblem
The United Republic of Tanzania

Export Processing Zones Authority

Export Processing Zones Authority


EPZA - Business Facilitation Portal in Place

Business Facilitation Portal (BFP) is a system that has been built by EPZA in collaboration with its stakeholders.

This system was established with the intention of providing services to investors through digital platforms, where the investor can access all services wherever he is, regardless of geographical location.

In the event of launching the Information on Improving the Business and Investment Environment in Tanzania, EPZA - BFP will be one of the important things that will be inaugurated.

The event will be launched by the Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania Hon. Kasim Majaliwa on 11 September 2024 at Mlimani City.

EPZA invites investors to take advantage of the developed systems to stimulate the pace of business and investment in national and international leval.