Tanzania emblem
The United Republic of Tanzania

Export Processing Zones Authority

Export Processing Zones Authority


EPZA has attracted more than three billion US dollars in capital

EPZA had registered industrial projects worth more than Three Billion US Dollars that are in different stages of development, and so far the country has earned more than Two and a half Billion US Dollars from completed projects that generate exports.

The Director of the Export Processing Zones Authority Mr. Charles Itembe said when he was making a presentation last week when he was welcoming a delegation from the Angola Embassy that came to learn how Tanzania has made progress through its projects under the Special Economic Zones Program.

In addition, the Director General added by saying that the Government has allocated land for Special Economic Zones in various regions with a size of more than 30,000 Hectares.

Tanzania is expected to increase its production and export to other countries starting from Africa, Asia, the United States and Europe due to its competitive advantage in to producing of important raw materials, competitive labour power, attrategic location of the counry and good political situation.