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The United Republic of Tanzania

Export Processing Zones Authority

Export Processing Zones Authority


​EPZA has held a meeting with representatives of 6 companies from China.

EPZA Director General Mr. Charles Itembe today held an important meeting with representatives of six companies from China led by Mr. Johnson Huang who is the Chairman.

The visit has shown the desire to build an Industrial Zone to bring several companies from China that are ready to transfer their activities and focus on the production of various products for the European and American markets including clothes, food, leather products, furniture, and electronic equipment.

Mr. Jonson Huang said that many companies from the Asian continent need investment areas to move their projects to Tanzania due to various reasons including raw materials, competitive labor power and market accessibility.

The Director General has assured the visitors that Tanzania is committed to promoting the industrial sector to increase its productivity, so they will get all the services and investment permits so that they can contribute to stimulating the country's economy.

EPZA has become a very important link for local and foreign investors especially in facilitating all the activities, and hundreds of investors have been facilitated.