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The United Republic of Tanzania

Export Processing Zones Authority

Export Processing Zones Authority


EPZA participation in Tanzania China Investment Forum

Today, the Government of Tanzania through its investment institutions and the Government of China have held an event that intended to bring together participants from different sectors of production including manufacturing.

Minister of State, President's Office, Planning and Investment Hon. Prof. Kitila Mkumbo (MP) was the official guest of honor for the event. Among other things, the Honorable Minister in his presentation mentioned several reasons to why Tanzania should be considered as the best center of production and distribution in Africa by investors from China and other parties of the world.

In his presentation, he continued to persuade more than 100 investors who participated in the event to consider investing in Tanzania and take advantage of the various investment opportunities available in various sectors and listed several reasons why it is important for investors from China to consider investing in Tanzania before thinking of going elsewhere. The Minister began by thanking the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, H.E. Samia Suluhu Hassan who has continued to improve the friendship between Government of Tanzania and China by visiting China for economic and commercial discussions in general. He also mentioned the visit of the President of China H.E. Xi Jinping to Tanzania which aimed to strengthening cooperation and relationship between the two countries, as the two leaders planned to help their countries in different areas of development. Hon. Minister reminded the visitors on long-term friendship between Tanzania and China since independence and mentioned that it has been many years since China has been supporting Tanzania's economic development, including building the TAZARA railway that connects Tanzania and Zambia . He also insisted that, Tanzania is the only country that can easily be used as a distribution center for goods and services that are intended to be exported to other parts of Africa due to its natural geographical location that borders many African countries, so it is suitable for investment and market acces, he also mentioned about sufficient raw materials , good investment policies and political stability guaranteeing investors their safety and their projects.

With other Institutions, EPZA participated and made a presentation that listed a number of incentives that the Government has decided to put in place to ensure that all investors in the country produce at the lowest possible costs in order to be able to compete in the global international market, including preparing Special Economic Zone so that when investors want to establish production facilities find all basic infrastructure place equipped with best and quality infrastructure including electricity, water and roads.