Tanzania emblem
The United Republic of Tanzania

Export Processing Zones Authority

Export Processing Zones Authority


Jiangsu Province In EPZA

Director General of EPZA Mr. Charles Itembe has hosted a delegation from Jiangsu Province in China. While giving a presentation, the Director General informed the delegation that Tanzania has made efforts to attract international investment and business by improving its investment environment throughout the country. Under the current leadership, the country has continued to strengthen the construction of basic infrastructure including roads, water, and electricity. In addition, facilitation services have been improved and currently investors are getting services quickly without any inconvenience.

In addition, the Director General said that Tanzania has many investment opportunities, raw materials, a good business environment and stability, so the idea of investing in Tanzania is the right idea at the right time.

Speaking; the head of the delegation from China, Mr. Si Yong said that, they are ready to invest in Tanzania because along with the long-term friendship that exists between these two countries, the behavior of these people is also similar and there are many of their relatives who have invested in Tanzania. They have also praised a large garment factory under EPZA that has employs more than 4,500 people, this is enough evidence that the business environment is good and EPZA provides good services. Mr. Si Young also promised to bring many projects in the near future to partner and invest in Tanzania. Along with his delegation, he promised to bring more projects to Tanzania Special Economic Zones, as many companies from China have shown interest to invest in Tanzania