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The United Republic of Tanzania

Export Processing Zones Authority

Export Processing Zones Authority


​EPZA Participates in Tanga Technology and Innovation Exhibition.

The Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA) is an institution that has many roles, one of which is to attract new technology in this country, especially in the industrial sector to enable the country to sell in the international market and increase foreign exchange earnings. Another role is to have Special Investment Areas on behalf of the Government and to issue special licenses with the intention of promoting production and increasing the competitiveness of local industries internationally.

Tanga region hosted technology and innovation exhibitions for the year 2024, which reached its peak on May 31, 2024 where the official guest was the Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania Hon. Kasimu Majaliwa (MP), who emphasized in promoting creativity and innovation which bring impacts and productivity in the industrial revolution to achieve the goals of our President of Tanzania H.E. Samia Suluhu Hassan, who has been at the forefront on creating a better business environment and attracting investment in the country by strengthening economic diplomacy for the benefit of our nation.

Also the Director General of EPZA Mr. Charles Itembe said, among the most important areas in developing the industrial sector is to ensure that innovation and various researches carried out by our experts must now aim to increase productivity in processing raw materials produced locally, especially in the agricultural and industrial sectors, as many developed countries started with research on how to process their domestic products and not rely on foreign technology alone, so this exhibition is very important in the revolution of our industrial sector, as the technologies that are coming have been developed to meet the goals and wishes of those countries.